Test of Humanity and Companionship

2020. március 21., tags: coronavirus, bethesda hospital

The Bethesda children’s hospital of RCH answers to the challenges of coronavirus with new tasks, washable and disinfectable masks and regular information. What do medical doctors recommend to the parents and grandparents in the light of the COVID-19 virus? We asked this question of director-general György Velkey, ho even told us, how we can best support the efforts of the health care workers.

Stories from Mother’s House

2016. május 26., tags: bethesda hospital

Tragedies can strike at any time, but Bethesda Hospital is going above and beyond to make sure that family’s hospital stays are as holistic as possible. They opened a Mother’s House in November 2015 and have since helped over thirty parents with room and board during their child’s hospital stay. Being near to their loved ones helps not only the parents, but the children who are recovering as well.

What's a day worth?

2014. április 09., tags: bethesda hospital, mission to the people, reformed mission centre (rmc), roma ministry

A woman stabbed in the back by her own husband. Another who asked for an EKG exam just to have something happen to her. A third who has had more than 40 abortions. A little boy whose eye was shot, but who tells lies about it claiming it was an accident. In only a few minutes, volunteers of the “A way toward life” program – doctors and nurses of the Bethesda Hospital and co-workers of the Reformed Mission Centre – experienced these fragments of lives during their mission, when they examined more than 1,000 people in 14 disadvantaged towns within the framework of a free check-up program.

Twenty years of service in hospitals

2012. november 23., tags: bethesda hospital

The hospital ministry in Hungary celebrated its 20th anniversary on 24 October, at the Bethesda Children's Hospital. Presently, the Hungarian hospital ministry operates in 28 institutions of Hungary. At the celebration, participants evaluated the past years of their service and discussed future possibilities in building their mission into the currently changing medical system.

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Reformed Church in Hungary

Address: H-1146 Budapest, Abonyi utca 21.   

PO Box: 1140 Budapest 70, Pf. 5

Phone/Fax: + 36 1 460 0708 

Email: oikumene@reformatus.hu

Our church through American eyes

We encourage you to read our  former GM intern Kearstin Bailey's blog about her time, spent in Hungary.