Receive the Gift of the Spirit

2015. május 25., hétfő

The Presidium of the General Convent, including the Church Leaderships of the Hungarian speaking reformed churches, sent a message to the congregations of the Hungarian Reformed Church which celebrate Pentecost within and without the Carpathian Basin.

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

We are God’s people gathered together by God’s Word and Spirit again, at this Pentecost. Our heart is filled with gratitude for God’s gift that we can celebrate together with our reformed Brothers and Sisters in the Carpathian Basin and worldwide. As the Spirit once was poured out and rested on the disciples in Jerusalem, so does it come on us still today, wherever we gather in Jesus’ name.

The written Word of God has always been made alive by the Holy Spirit in the hearts of those reading the Scriptures. God poured out his Spirit, who is working in us, through us and among us and fulfils his mission to God’s glory and to the salvation of humankind.    

Nothing can hinder God’s work. He will fulfil his plan for the day. He is redoubtable, he doesn’t recoil or give in, because he is the Spirit of power, love and self-discipline. We have received the gift of love and wisdom from him, as it is evidenced in the Scripture: “For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline.” (2 Tim 1,7).

Indeed, fear impairs, isolates and destroys individuals, communities and nations, as well. It is not God who gave the spirit of timidity! Yet, there are many who lives in fear. This is why it is important to ask for the Spirit of power, love and self-discipline from the God of life, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, one eternal God.

Perseverance, resistance, winning of souls is an option only for those who are brave and strong. The Spirit makes us strong. Therefore, let us ask for and receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.

To help others, to take and give example can only those who love. The Holy Spirit teaches us how to love. Therefore, let us ask for and receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.

Our society is characterized by division, accumulation of supposed wealth and pursuit of false values. Many come to the conclusion in their twilight years or in difficult moments of their life that they haven’t lived a God pleasing life. We need soberness and ability to discern, so that we can make a difference between good and bad, between worthwhile and unworthy.

In our life, God’s gift is visible in the awareness that we have chosen Jesus, in whom we have our salvation.

Dear brothers and sisters in the Lord Jesus Christ! Let us fulfil our calling on Earth, as faithful stewards of the Lord, with courage, confessing our faith, boasting in the Lord, sharing in love, living in selflessness and giving thanks in all circumstances.

Presidium of the General Convent of the Hungarian Reformed Church

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