Letter to the Armenian Apostolic Orthodox Church
2012. szeptember 02., vasárnapThe leaders of the Reformed and Lutheran churches in Hungary expressed their sympathy in a letter to the head of the Armenian Apostolic Orthodox Church over the amnesty of the recently extradited Azeri axe killer.
Bishop Gusztáv Bölcskei, Presiding Bishop of the Synod of the Reformed Church in Hungary and Bishop Péter Gáncs, Presiding Bishop of the Lutheran Church in Hungary sent a letter to H. H. Karekin II. Catholicos of all Armenians, the Head of the Armenian Holy Apostolic Church. In their message they expressed their solidarity with the Patriarch over the amnesty given by the President of Azerbaijan to an Azeri officer, who was sentenced to life in prison over the killing of an Armenian officer during a NATO training exercise in Hungary. The Azeri officer was extradited to Azerbaijan from Hungary at the end of August. The bishops do not question that the extradition was in accordance with applicable international law, but condemn its consequences.
The two Protestant church leaders in their letter reflected on that the right to judge belongs to God, but the state is entrusted with serving and protecting the people. AT the end of their letter the two bishops express their hope that justice will be done and peace and understanding will stay with the two nations.
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Email: oikumene@reformatus.hu
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