Witnessing Together to the Power of God’s Love

2017. október 03., kedd

Bishop Dr Gusztáv Bölcskei, on behalf of the RCH, recently attended the Global Forum for the Future of World Christianity’s 2nd International Forum in Seoul, Korea. The event gathered church leaders from around the world to identify new, creative and deeply spiritual (dynamic) alternatives for promoting common witness in the areas of unity and mission; diaconia and education; and promoting justice and peace.

The Global Forum for the Future of World Christianity (GFFWC) first came about in 2012, with its 1st International Forum organized in 2015 under the theme, “Christian Witness in Changing Global Landscapes" on Jeju Island, South Korea. The founding purpose of the GFFWC was to organize an international forum in which Christian leaders from around the world could contribute to setting a global agenda for the Christian churches as communities of faith. The organization was formed partly to organize international forums that could provide the space for deep encounters to promote cooperation on common agendas based on shared values and confessions of faith.

The 2nd International Forum: A Gathering of Global Christian Leaders was organized with the theme, “Witnessing Together to the Power of God’s Love in Christ.” The meeting took place in Seoul, Korea from 20-25 September, 2017. The 2nd International Forum aimed to create a space with the following goals: to provide a forum for fellowship and mutual exchange among global Christian leaders; to provide an opportunity for joint analysis of global issues and common discernment on a Christian response to these issues; and to discuss the future orientation and task of world Christianity, and to engage in the setting of priority areas of cooperation.

Bishop Dr Gusztáv Bölcskei, former Presiding Bishop of the RCH and current Head of the Department of Systematic Theology at Debrecen Reformed Theological University, attended the gathering on behalf of the RCH. His presence, contributions to the discussions, and wisdom in the process of common discernment were a gift to global Christianity in promoting the values of justice, peace, love and responsibility at the event.

Bishop Bölcskei was also present at the GFFWC’s 1st International Forum hosted in 2015 in Jeju. At the event, the Bishop gave a presentation titled “Reflecting on the Experiences of the Hungarian Church in the Midst of Transition from a Socialist to Capitalist System.” You can read more about the RCH’s presence at the 1st International Forum here.

The forum focused on how we can witness to God’s love in ways that nature, protect, and enhance life by reflecting on the subthemes of justice as a concrete expression of love, human hostilities and God’s hospitality, and nurturing just relationships/models of leadership.  The 2nd International Forum of the GFFWC was an extraordinary opportunity to discern responses against the backdrop of the challenges posed by the current geo-political and socio-cultural trends that privilege a few over the many. The gathering aimed to facilitate reflection on how our common affirmation of the ‘power of God’s love in Christ’ actually binds us together to respond in ways that transforms our world.


Article by Kearstin Bailey


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