Erasmus+ TUT Meeting in Budapest
2018. június 25., hétfőThe RCH hosted the Erasmus+ TUT project meeting in Budapest, taking the lead by introducing the extensive work with refugees being done in Hungary. Participants also continued discussions of the future of the project.
Representatives from Germany, Hungary, Czech Republic, Estonia, and Italy met May 23-25 to continue discussions on improving the training and teaching of volunteers who work within the framework of refugee movement in Europe. RCH hosted the meeting in Budapest where two of the best practices were introduced in which the RCH is doing extensive work with refugees.
The Train the Unknown Trainer (TUT) project seeks to strengthen the training and teaching competencies of informal volunteers working with refugees so that they are able to better serve the needs in ways that will stand against all forms of discrimination and racism, educate children and young people in media literacy, meet the needs of students from diverse backgrounds, impart common values, and prevent and combat intolerance. Participants in the TUT project meeting prepared recommendations for the guidelines for trainings for volunteers in a national perspective from their respective countries.
To introduce the best practices of the RCH, the members witnessed the work of the HRCA is being done in the Transit Zone in Tompa at the Hungarian-Serbian border. With the permission of the government, the HRCA provides a variety of services, including medical and social work, and providing spiritual support. Although very limited, the work of the HRCA provides the support, healing, and love many people need in such transit zones. The participants ended the day with a visit to Kalunba Social Services Ltd. and an introduction to the Refugee Integration Ministry of the RCH. Members met with Dóra Kanizsai-Nagy, head of the Ministry and co-founder of Kalunba, who shared of the services they provide to recognized refugees in Hungary. They also had a chance to share a meal with local refugees who told their stories and shared their songs.
In continuation of the project goal, the members of the TUT project sat together the next morning to discuss the sustainability of the project. As the project, through cooperation with local churches around Europe, seeks to standardize and ensure the quality of training that volunteers who work with refugees receive, the participants detailed a plan for the future of the project. The next meeting is set to take place in Estonia in September 2018.
Priscilla Yang
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Reformed Church in Hungary
Address: H-1146 Budapest, Abonyi utca 21.
PO Box: 1140 Budapest 70, Pf. 5
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