Blog Series on mission trip with the RCH Refugee Ministry
2015. szeptember 07., hétfőThis past May a group of American students and their teacher decided to do their missions trip in Budapest with the refugee mission of Reformed Mission Centre (RMK). During their stay, students became acquainted with several people and families and they learned about their ways of life and the turbulent situations that forced them to flee.
Refugees do not come to new places to make more money and seek out jobs. True refugees are fleeing for safety and are forced to go to an alien place just to survive. They leave their family, friends, work, and homes because that is what they must do for safety. They should not be hated for being persecuted but should be welcomed to lessen the hardships they already have to endure. Only when people stop seeing refugees as weeds that sprout from the ground to kill everything and start seeing them as beautiful flowers that need to planted and given nourishment to help them grow will refugees be accepted and loved like they deserve to be. — Clare Drosos
In the United States, a high school in Cincinnati, Ohio requires students to fulfill a certain number of hours each year devoted to community service. Students have two options: they can either serve their hours throughout the year in their hometown, or they can go on a missions trip in May for two weeks, serving full-time elsewhere. This past May a group of students and their teacher decided to do their missions trip in Budapest with the refugee mission of RMK. RMK hosted these students for two weeks while they served and worked with refugees in the city. Throughout the duration of their stay, students became acquainted with several people and families who have sought asylum in Hungary. These students learned about their ways of life and the turbulent situations that forced them to flee.
Documented and written by American teenagers from their time with RMK in Budapest, here are the stories of six refugees.
Read the Series:
Part IV: The Stories of Adea and Hamida
The Blog Series has been edited by Amy Walker.
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Reformed Church in Hungary
Address: H-1146 Budapest, Abonyi utca 21.
PO Box: 1140 Budapest 70, Pf. 5
English, German and Korean language services in Budapest
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