The Flood Has Passed Its Peak But We Are Not Done

2013. június 14., péntek

Although the flood has passed the upper parts of the Danube in Hungary, those living within reach of the water cannot rest yet: the embankments may not be able withstand the long-term weight. What's more, with the flood gone, the sandbags become hazardous waste that need to be pulled down, thus volunteers still have work to do. They are now accompanied by ambulances, so that those concerned can receive immunization.

The RCH has called upon a countrywide offering for June 16. All the money raised that day will go to flood victims and to lower the reconditioning costs.

Those, willing to help are asked to submit their contribution at the Reformed Church Aid's bank account (10702019-85008898-51100005) as soon as possible.

The Presidium of the Transylvanian Reformed Church District has also asked the leaders of its member congregations to raise funds for their Hungarian fellows – especially since the full damage can only be estimated after the flood is gone. They also gave credit to the RCH for their outbraving and the immediate and expert rescue and aid actions they carried out through the HRCA.

Here's a short review of the enormous work done last week:

The HRCA has successfully cooperated with many volunteers who have been fighting against the water or helping with relocations. They have handed out hundreds of portions of warm food, sandwiches, and bottled water for the relocated, volunteers, policemen, fire fighters and military personnel who have also been helping in preparations. The HRCA also provided them with temporary accommodation. At the same time, other institutions also did their part: the Maltese Charity Service, the Hungarian Red Cross, the local governments and some Krishna-believers helped as well.

There has been a crew of Sub-Carpathian fire fighters helping in Pest-county until this Thursday, and the Reformed Church in Sub-Carpathia has generously offered a truck-full of mineral water.

All this work, done by so many helping hands and supported by congregations and communities all over the country as well as beyond its borders, has given evidence of the unity among Hungarians all over the Carpathian Mountains.


Translated by Andrea Molnár a közösségi oldalakon

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