Ecumenical Solidarity on ‘renationalisation’ of Székely Mikó High School
2014. december 10., szerdaReformed Church in Romania faces 'renationalisation' of the Székely Mikó Refromed High School in Sepsiszentgyörgy/Sfântu Gheorge this caused them to call for solidarity among Reformed Brothers and Sisters, leading to numerous responses.
Solidarity messages in regards to ‘renationalization’ Székely Mikó High School
In the past few weeks the Reformed Church in Romania has been coming to terms with the renationalisation of the Székely Mikó Refromed High School in Sepsiszentgyörgy/Sfântu Gheorge, in very unjust court ruling. As a response to this, the Reformed Church in Romania has appealed and has called for solidarity among Reformed Brothers and Sisters in Europe and the world at large.
In response to the call for Solidarity, some partner churches have already sent their messages to the Reformed Church in Romania.
The Reformed Church in Hungary in an open statement of solidarity described how the RCH is “appalled by Romanian Court ruling in regards to Székely Mikó High School in Sepsiszentgyörgy˛/Sfântu Gheorghe, which according to common European legal norms unworthily began an open attack towards one of the religious denominations of its country endangering the legal certainty and harming the church autonomy…. The RCH called upon the Christian brothers and sisters from the Carpathian Basin and from all over the world to unite together in prayer to God, so that the foundation of our lives may be justice and peace.”
Another message was from the Church Of Scotland, who in their letter addressed to Bishop Béla Kató of the Transylvanian Reformed Church District of the RCR, stating of their sadness in receiving these news of the challenging situation the church is facing as a result of the decision to ‘renationalise’ the Székely Mikó Refromed High School in Sepsiszentgyörgy/Sfântu Gheorge. Not only did they express their discomfort in the injustices but also offered their support and asked to be informed on how the CoS would be of help in response and solidarity to the cause of events.
A message of solidarity was also received from the steering Committee of the European Area Council of the World Communion of Reformed Churches who in addressing Bishop Béla Kató expressed their dismay at the mater and also sadly mentioning that this has been a familiar to them in regards to “…stories of these kinds of actions which have been taking place in Romania for years.” They also expressed that the WCRC as being “always clear that the rule of the law must be upheld.” They also offered their solidarity and support in any way the RCR would request, and most of all prayers as the Church faces these events.
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