Pastoral Letter in the Light of the Pandemic

2020. március 26., csütörtök

Bishop Dr. István Szabó addressed a pastoral letter of acknowledgment and encouragement to the ministers serving in RCH’s congregations. In the letter below, he expresses his gratitude for the persistence, creativity and care of local ministers.

Thank you for your persistence in the difficult days of the coronavirus epidemic. I am grateful for the good efforts you have made in many congregations to offer worship livestreaming, Bible study, prayer fellowship, and other occasions online. Thank you for fortifying members of the congregations and all our brothers and sisters who seek God's encouragement, through various Internet platforms. Be aware that there are many who are praying for you and for God's protection in this extraordinary ministry.

May I ask those who do not have the appropriate technical equipment for streaming sermons online, please inform your congregation members that they will find a collection of hundreds of links on RCH’s official website to reach worship services broadcasted online. No one shall be left alone without the preaching of the Word of God. Anyone can join a worship every Sunday broadcasted online, either via our official website or on our congregations’ Facebook pages.

Please advise the congregation that on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays they will find ne video devotions on our website. On Tuesday morning at half past eight, public media also broadcasts our devotions.

Let me express my gratitude to you for getting in touch with local governments and aid organizations. Thank you for giving a helping hand to lonely and vulnerable people, and to the elderly. Thank you for your continuous prayers. Thank you for continuing to step before the God of providence each day, asking for his grace and mercy upon the sick, the healthcare workers, and decision-makers in these difficult times which we do not know how long it will take. I thank my God every time I remember you in my prayers.

Photo: László Sebestyén a közösségi oldalakon

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