The RCH to Participate in Kirchentag 2013

2013. április 25., csütörtök

Next week the Reformed Church in Hungary will take part in a celebration of faith at the 34th German Protestant Kirchentag in Hamburg. The festival, scheduled for 1-5 May, is a forum for participation and lively debates with more than 100,000 people expected to attend.

The true spirit behind Kirchentag comes from participation. It is a grassroots, lay movement Almost half of the expected attendees will actively participate in the event and offer their voluntary services, which is one of the aspects that define the uniqueness of Kirchentag. The 2013 festival allows space for churches to present aims, ambitions and activities.

For the first time ever, the RCH will be represented at the festival with its own booth at the so-called, "Market of Opportunities" taking place as a part of "Lively Ecumenism" in the festival's exhibition hall. The RCH's international and ecumenical office in coordination with the communication office, has prepared the active participation of around 30 participants. These representatives from the church's different ministries and associations will engage in discussion with other festival visitors at the booth within the frame of "Living Library."

The highlight of the booth will be a special installation which, as a teaser, shall inspire guests to explore the "virtual" background, a presentation and a website, which has been specially launched for this memorable event. There will be a portion of the stand entitled, "Discussion on a par" that will consist of a special row of round tables providing the chance for visitors to get firsthand information on the life of the church and the politics of Hungary, a heavily criticized country in basic transformation. RCH organizers will consciously address those sensitive public and political issues that could be seen as endangering the democratic establishment in Hungary.

"It is our conviction that in an ever diverging Europe the churches' responsibility in creating space for meaningful communication and promoting the exchange of "equals" is essential especially that of the communion of Protestant churches... Otherwise the so often boasted 'diversity' coupled with the financial and economical crisis will turn to a "tension test" for the old continent and instead of solidarity frustration and distrust – if nothing else between East and West - will increase where unity in diversity shall prevail – in Europe." – reads the statement of the organizers.

The RCH is by far the largest genuine protestant community in Eastern part of Central Europe. Hungary, one of the, at that time, (partly) free Christian country, played an eminent role in history as "the Eastern bastion" of Christendom. The Slogan of the RCH's booth expresses this reality: East in West.

The church's participation at the Kirchentag is based on the voluntary contributions and passion of many as well as financially made possible by one of the most important German partner church of the RCH, the Evangelical Church in Rheinland.


Amy Lester

*All pictures taken from the Kirchentag website

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Reformed Church in Hungary

Address: H-1146 Budapest, Abonyi utca 21.   

PO Box: 1140 Budapest 70, Pf. 5

Phone/Fax: + 36 1 460 0708 


Our church through American eyes

We encourage you to read our  former GM intern Kearstin Bailey's blog about her time, spent in Hungary.