Hungarian Reformed Elder's Association

The goal of the Hungarian Reformed Elder's Association is to help elders of the Hungarian Reformed Church to arrive at their faith in the saviour, Jesus Christ, and enhance to meet the requirements of laws created by the Reformed Church in Hungary. The Elder's Association wants to achieve this goal as a social organization registered as a legal person based on the tenets of the Bible, the Heidelberg Catechism, and the Second Helvetic Confession.

According to the law of the Reformed Church in Hungary, in cooperation with every declared Hungarian Reformed person but especially elders, the Elder's Association strives to achieve the following:

  • Helping elders find their faith and strengthen it
  • Preparing to do faith deepening services for the congregation
  • Preparing to invite people into the congregation who are not yet, or no longer, members
  • Promoting relations between the elders in different congregations, with special regard to relations with the pastors, as the president of presbytery
  • Organizing conferences, trainings, further trainings and other spiritual occasions as well as assisting/supporting congregations or dioceses in organizing such events. In addition, creating and publishing educational resources, periodical publications and newsletters at cost
  • Beyond the borders of Hungary, building and maintaining relations primarily with elders, elder associations and religious organizations of Hungarian congregations of the General Convent, the Hungarian Reformed World Federation and the Synod of the Hungarian Reformed Churches, as well as with each Reformed church, and elders of their congregations
  • Participating in the work of Hungarian Reformed Church and expressing opinion if requested, as far as possible
  • Promoting the Hungarian nation as members of the nation living in a place appointed by God
  • Financial support/aid to other persons and organizations according to specific regulations


One of the goals of the Elder's Association is to awaken the faith of elders within congregations. This is done through international, national and diocesan conferences organized by a collaboration of Elder's Association members. Another aim is to aid in the elders' work through centrally organized trainings. Building relationships between elders of different congregations is yet another focus that is accomplished with the sharing of information between local organizations. And finally, the Elder's Association wants to serve as a missionary to congregations by sharing educational resources and other publications.

Contact us

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Reformed Church in Hungary

Address: H-1146 Budapest, Abonyi utca 21.   

PO Box: 1140 Budapest 70, Pf. 5

Phone/Fax: + 36 1 460 0708 


Our church through American eyes

We encourage you to read our  former GM intern Kearstin Bailey's blog about her time, spent in Hungary.