Newsletter of the RCH - 30. April 2019
Life returning to Syria
In late March, a delegation visited the Evangelical churches of Lebanon and Syria, signing a memorandum of commitment. We asked the delegates about their experiences in the Middle East, including the situation of local Christians, as well as the significance and further possibilities of cooperation.
In peace for God, each other, ourselves
In light of International Romani Day, Reformed Roma communities in the Carpathian Basin gathered to worship and pray for one another. This year, reconciliation is the focus of the event.
Isabel Metzger, journalist of, interviewed Dóra Kanizsai-Nagy for an update on their situation since July 2018. Here we publish the English translation of the original article printed in German.
"Without the renewal of hearts and reformation in our lives, every tradition fades away and new initiatives turn out to be empty," said Presiding Bishop Szabó in his opening address at the recent Synod meeting, where the Statement on Marriage, Family and Sexuality was reaffirmed.
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Newsletter of the RCH - 17 December 2019
Tanoda létrehozása és működtetése országosan 12 helyszínen
Felzárkózási pályázatok EFOP-3.3.1-15-2015
Hazai (kis) projektek
Szeretett imádkozó fiatal Testvérek!
Fazekas László felvidéki református püspök gondolatai a 2019-es imaéjjelre.
A legnehezebb imatéma
Steinbach József dunántúli református püspök gondolatai a 2019-es imaéjjelre.