European Church representatives meet in Belfast

2015. február 23., hétfő

The Presbyterian Church in Ireland has hosted the two-day annual meeting of the fifth Council of the World Communion of Reformed Churches in Europe (WCRC Europe) at Assembly Buildings in Belfast.

Church officials, representing 40 Churches from 27 nations across Europe, met to discuss a variety of issues and receive a number of reports of common interest. The WCRC’s last European Council met in the Polish capital Warsaw in March 2014.

Reflecting on the two-day meeting, the Moderator of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland, the Rt. Rev. Dr. Michael Barry explained that the World Communion of Reformed Churches is a valuable network of churches in the reformed tradition that share common roots in the 16th Century Reformation.

“I was delighted to be able to welcome so many church representatives from across Europe to Belfast. It was a privilege to fellowship with ministers and officials from churches as far away as the Uniting Church in Sweden to the north, the Spanish Evangelical Church in the south and the Transylvanian Reformed Church to the east.

Read the full article on the website of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland a közösségi oldalakon

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